Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Special: Week 3

I love when all of the new shows come back on in the fall.  This is especially nice thanks to tivo.  I can watch when I want and skip all the commercials.  The problem is that I am a sucker for some commercials. I have definitely caught myself tearing up at the Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials.  They pick the saddest little puppies to put on there!

However, the commercials that I really love for some crazy reason are the ones where animals are acting like humans and babies are acting like adults.  I find them absolutely hilarious.  

Here are some of my favorites....

The hamsters driving a Kia Soul (btw - such an ugly car)
to see hamsters dancing click here

The old jeep commercial with the singing wolf
Click here for the singing wolf

and my all time favorite...the e*trade baby.  Flipping hysterical.  Could watch these all day.
Click here or here for two of my favorites, but feel free to let yourself get lost on a little youtube adventure as they are all funny!


*photos thanks to google*

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